Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Wright and Kate

November 9, 2009
Happy Birthday Wright and Kate!

Well Monday started like most others with restless sleep and frequent trips to the restroom. I had been more tired than normal on Sunday, but thought it must be due to the enormous size of my belly! One of the trips to the restroom was a bit different than any other when I realized my water was breaking. I can't describe the emotions I went through within 15 seconds...fear and excitement and a strained call to Will started the day we would meet our precious children. We waited another hour or so to "make sure" it was my water and around 6am realized that I was definitely in labor. My contractions became much stronger so I naturally jumped in the shower and we started hastily getting bags packed, car seats in the car, batteries for the camera etc. I had started this process, but being one day away from 35 weeks thought I definitely had more time. We called our parents who immediately jumped on highway 20 and 26 to head down and we were off (after a few last minute pregnancy photos). Once we arrived at the hospital it all started to sink in and Will and I both became a bit worried about the prematurity of my labor. An ultrasound confirmed that Wright was ready, his membrane had burst and he was in the birth canal...on the flip side Kate was still laying tranverse across the top of my stomach not ready to come out. The doctor let us decide how to proceed with labor and after prayer and consideration we decided to have a C-Section. Kate was breach and would have had to be manipulated out and we felt like due to how early I was we may need to make things a bit less traumatic for baby girl.
So shortly after I was whisked away for my spinal tap (so thankful...contractions are PAINFUL) and prep for C-section. Will was great through the process. His parents and our sister in law Kirsten were all at the hospital prior to delivery. William "Wright" was born at 10:35 weighing 4lbs 14oz and Kathryn "Kate" Hastings was born at 10:36 weighing 4lbs 12 oz. I was able to see both of them briefly before they were whisked away to the nursery. As soon as I was released from the recovery room my mom arrived (record timing from Athens, GA) and Wright was brought to my room. Understand that as happy as I was to finally see my baby boy I was also concerned about why my baby girl wasn't with him. Since Kate was not ready to enter the world she had some immaturity in her lungs and needed some help at the beginning. We were worried, but new we had some of the best doctors in the city with her and they were very reassuring. Each nurse said she was extremely fiesty and a fighter and she progressed through the day/night. I was able to see her Monday evening, hold her Tuesday early afternoon and finally she came to our room off all monitors on Wednesday afternoon. What an answer to prayers; to have two healthy, precious babies! Will and I are overwhelmed with love for them! We are so thankful for our family and the help they have and continue to provide for us and all our or friends who are praying for our family!

Finally the nursery is complete
34 weeks and 6 days...on our way to the hospital

Ready to meet our little ones!

Our First Family Photo!

Finally I had both babies in my room with me!
They sleep cuddled is the sweetest thing.

First time in their swing. Kate was more alert than Wright..he really likes to sleep!

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