Wright with a full belly and happy
Kate thinks mommy is silly when I sing songs to her
She looked so cute in this outfit..had to take her picture
Very happy mommy resting with Wright and Kate...love when they will snuggle with me at the same time!
Wright has recently gone through a growth spurt and has started eating 6 oz two feedings/day. Kate has started to really struggle with her bottles...it is so sad when she cries real tears while eating. The doctor has suggested a new formula because she has stopped eating her full bottles so we hope that will help ease her digestive pain. I am excited to see how much they weigh at their 4 month appointment which is in just a few weeks!
They have started to interact more with each other especially when playing together on their activity mat. They tend to grab hands and kick each other...just letting the other know they are there. They are doing so well and we are enjoying them so much!